Copy Right


Equip artists to promote educational platforms and be soldiers to bring peace to the people.


© 2023. Designed by

While what is the Phoenix?

White Phoenix is a non-profit organization consisting of artists, researchers, programmers, developer, designers and producers who, with the help of the public and municipality, universities and financial sponsors, strive to help artists grow better and artists will promote wps’s educational platforms. It will give better results to promote public awareness through art.

These members, who are considered employees of the organization, are always trying to follow the organization’s articles of association and bring them to the executive stage. Our statute deliberately refrains from endorsing any religious or political affiliations, championing a spirit of inclusivity.
Building effective tools for education and rising awareness through art is one of the most important goals that the organization will pursue.

Financial benefits of this idea will be for the supporting municipality, people, and the artists also the company’s funds and sponserships help you to grow yorur idea.